I recently went through the freezer and found two more bags of green beans. My initial thought was to prepare them the usual way. However, I quickly remembered a French recipe, which is far better.
I got this green bean recipe from a friend. She claims she picked it up during a holiday in France. Whether it truly originates from French cuisine, I am not entirely certain. However, it doesn’t really matter. The most important thing is that the beans turn out delicious.
Green beans are a vegetable that freezes well. It's good to have a stock of them, as they are packed with vitamins and minerals especially needed in winter. They are particularly rich in B vitamins, vitamin C, and K. Important components include magnesium, calcium, iron, and potassium, which support the proper functioning of the body. Green beans are also an excellent source of fibre, aiding the digestive system and assisting with weight control.
Green beans are healthy, but how do you make them as tasty as they are in the summer? When preparing frozen green beans, it is crucial not to thaw them. Simply boil them briefly in salted boiling water. They should remain firm because they will undergo further cooking in a pan. They must not become mushy. In the French style, they are prepared with parsley, which adds freshness. They are perfect for dinner dishes or as an evening salad when prepared like this.
Read also:
Safe preparation of green beans: Avoiding toxic pitfalls
Read also:
French green beans: A summer delight with health benefits
French-style green beans: A twist on a classic vegetable dish
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